Personal Breakthrough Session

Are you ready to move to the next level in life?

Are you read to wake up in the morning excited and full of energy?

Are you ready to leave your old you behind and start to reinvent yourself to become the person you always wanted to be?

Are you ready to change certain behaviour patterns that don’t serve you anymore?

Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. – Jim Rohn

This is your time in life and your opportunity to have a personal break through session!

It is time to change old patterns from the past, so you don’t need to carry them into your future.


A personal break through session is an accelerated, supercharged 2-day coaching session. A rapid way to gain personal development and embrace change, step out of you comfort zone and achieve you desired results.

A Personal Breakthrough session goes over 2 days and can take between 6-10 hours.

Designed for busy people to achieve change in a fast, beneficial way. A Personal Breakthrough Session is a fantastic way to move forward in life!

The personal development techniques we are using are extremely powerful and applied professionally.

Techniques from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis and more.


1.Your professional coach will take a detailed personal history

2.Together with your coach you establish the area of your life you would like to improve and be more successful!

This could be your job or career, your relationship, family issues, confidence building, public speaking, stress management, health and fitness, personal development.

3.The next step is to establish the outcome you want. We then create an accelerated plan to achieve your results.

4.Then it is time for some core work:

We looking at behaviour patterns which don’t serve you anymore and change them. We discover your limiting beliefs, so you can let them go, and also get rid of negative emotions from the past, like anger, fear, sadness etc.

  1. Now it is time to create a positive future, set future goals!
  2. Assignment of tasks
  3. Free follow up for 2 month (3x30min coaching session on phone)

A personal breakthrough session gives you the opportunity to become the best version of you!

  • Personal breakthrough sessions are a fantastic way to enhance your performance which can lead to a promotion and increased earnings!
  • It can improve your health and wellbeing.
  • It can help you to live a happy, fulfilled relationship.
  • Personal Breakthrough Sessions are great for people with issues or problems they are carrying around for a while and haven’t been able to resolve themselves.
  • It will improve your self-esteem and confidence.

Are you ready to change certain behaviour patterns that don’t serve you anymore?

Are you ready to steer your life in the direction of success?

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